Sunday, November 15, 2020


Chapter 26 

If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 26.

Verses 1-6  There is a famine in the land and God tells Isaac not to go to Egypt, but to stay in Gerar.

Verses 7-11  Isaac tells a lie to protect his wife (just like his dad). Isaac had faith to trust God in the famine. Isaac had faith to pray for children (Chapter 25). But, he did not have faith that God would protect his wife. Isaac’s lie gets discovered when the king sees him being affectionate to Rebekah. Abimelech calls him out on the lie.

Verses 12-16  Isaac prospers in the land, so much so that the Philistines envy him and Abimelech asks him to leave.

Verses 17-18  Isaac leaves the area and digs up the wells that were from the time of his father.

Verses 19-22  Apparently Isaac didn’t move far enough away and his servants and the herdsmen of Gerar quarrel over the water rights. Eventually they find water that no one is arguing over.

Verses 23-25  Isaac goes to Beersheba and God speaks to him there repeating the covenant that He made with Abraham.

Verses 26-31  Abimelech shows up and wants to make a treaty with Isaac (he sees how God has blessed Isaac).

Verses 32-33  The servants dig another well and find water.

Verses 34-35  Esau takes 2 wives of the Hittites and this upsets Isaac and Rebekah.

What are you afraid of?
Do you have something so special that you can’t trust anyone with it – not even God?
What do you think will happen to it?
Have you worried about something and nothing happened?
Does worrying help?
If you make a mistake, do you tell your children?
Are you teaching them to do what you say but not what you do?
Do your words and actions match up?
What has happened in your life to confirm that you are where God wants you to be?
If you don’t have confirmation, what can you do about it?

Children Discussion:
Have you told a lie to protect someone? What happened?
Do you have enemies? Why are they enemies? Can you make a treaty with them?
Does your behavior upset your parents? What can you do about that?

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