Sunday, March 7, 2021


Chapters 48, 49 and 50 

If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 48Chapter 49 and Chapter 50.

Chapter 48
Verses 1- 20:    Jacob blesses Joseph’s 2 sons and he elevates the younger one to the firstborn position.
Verses 21-22:   Joseph receives a double portion from Jacob.

Chapter 49
Verses 1-28:     Jacob gives a prophecy over each of his sons.
Verses 29-33:   Jacob wants to be buried where Leah is buried (as well as Abraham, Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah).

Chapter 50
Verses 1-14:     Joseph buries his father – all the brothers go.
Verses 15-21:   Joseph’s brother are now worried that Joseph will now want revenge – they tell lies to protect themselves. Joseph reassures them that he does not hold a grudge.
Verses 22-26:   Joseph’s last request is to be buried in the promised land.

-- Is Jacob showing favoritism or doing God’s will?
-- Jacob makes it clear where he wants to be buried. Why not be buried with Rachel (the wife he loved)?
-- The brothers still feel guilty even though they were forgiven. Have you ever done something where you can’t forgive yourself?
-- Lots of people have “last wishes” when they die. Do you have any?
-- Joseph knew about the promised land and that it was God’s promise to them – even though they weren’t there yet and that’s where he wanted to be buried. Do you believe the promises that God has for you (even though you can’t see them yet)?

Note: Exodus 13:19 – Moses takes the bones of Joseph with him (in the exodus from Egypt).