Sunday, November 29, 2020


Chapters 29 and 30 

If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 29 and Chapter 30.

Chapter 29:
Verses 1-14  Jacob meets Rachael.
Verses 15-30  Jacob makes a business agreement with Laban in exchange for marriage to Rachel. Laban tricks Jacob and gives him Leah. Another agreement is made so that he can have Rachel also.
Verses 31-35  Leah starts having children – has 4 sons (Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah). Then she stops having children.

Chapter 30:
Verses 1-8  Rachael has not been able to bear children yet. She gives her maid to Jacob and she has 2 sons (Dan and Naphtali).
Verses 9-13  Not to be outdone, Leah gives her maid to Jacob and she bears 2 sons (Gad and Asher).
Verses 14-21  Rachael makes a deal with Leah. Leah bears more children for Jacob (Isachar, Zebulun and Dinah).
Verses 22-24  Rachael finally has a child for Jacob (Joseph).
Verses 25-43  Jacob makes another deal with Laban – this time he wants to start his own flock. Jacob comes up with a plan to get more lambs.

Are you married or engaged?
Was it love at first sight when you met each other?
Did you have a long engagement or a short one?
Obviously Leah knew she wasn’t the one that Jacob was supposed to marry – did she agree with Laban to do this? Was Laban just trying to get rid of his daughters?
Jacob worked 14 years to get the woman he loved. Have you ever had to go above and beyond for the one you love?
Leah had 4 sons before she started praising the Lord (Genesis 29:35). Are you praising God in the midst of your trials?
Rachael finally has a son but she wants more – she was not satisfied with what she had. Are you satisfied with what you have? Why or why not?
Jacob did not have to agree to have children with the maids – but he did. What might have been his reasoning? What do you think it was like for the women?

Child Activities:
Coloring pictures of sheep and goats – make them speckled and spotted.