Chapter 8 & 9
If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 8
Click this link for Genesis Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Verses 1-5 – The rain stops.
Verses 6-12 – Noah sends out 2 birds – raven and dove (sends the dove out 3 times).
Verses 13-14 – Flood waters are gone – now dry land.
Verses 15-19 – God tells Noah to leave the ark (along with his family and all the animals).
They were in the ark for 1 year and 17 days. They spent 5 months of that floating and 7 months on the mountain.
Verses 20-22 - 1st thing Noah did when he got out of the ark was to build an altar. It was pleasing to God and He promises that He would never curse the ground or destroy all living things again.
Chapter 9
Verses 1-7 – God gives Noah and his family all the animals of the earth for food. He tells them to be fruitful and multiply.
Verses 8-17 – God establishes His covenant with Noah and gives him the rainbow as a sign of that covenant.
Verses 18-21 – Noah becomes farmer, plants a vineyard and makes wine. And gets drunk.
Verses 22-23 – Ham sees his father lying in his tent (naked) and tells his brothers. The brothers take a garment and walk backwards to cover their father – they did not see their father naked.
Verses 24-27 – Noah wakes up and sees what has happened. He curses the son who saw his nakedness and blesses the 2 sons who covered him.
Verses 28-29 – Noah lived to be 950 years.
• Noah and his family (and all the animals) were in “lockdown” on the ark for 1 year and 17 days. No leaving the ark, no shopping, no going to school or work, no going to church. What do you think it would be like to be stuck in your house for a year? To never be able to leave for the whole year?
• Would it cause depression?
• How would you use your time?
• Would it cause anxiety?
• Would you use the time to rest?
• It seems like the ark only had one window and it was probably closed during the storm. For me, this would be claustrophobic – how about you?
• Noah’s first act was to build an altar and worship God. What is the first thing you do after you have gone thru a trial?
• It took about 2 years for the grapevines to grow and provide grapes. Noah made wine and got drunk. One son witnessed it and told his brothers (gossip). When a family member or friend sins, and you witness it, what do you do?
Discussion with the children:
• Who would like to live on a boat?
• What do you think it was like to live on a boat with all those animals?
• Do you think Noah and his family were glad to get out of the ark?
• Have you seen a rainbow?
Various colors of construction paper – make a rainbow.
Plain paper & crayons – draw and color a rainbow.
To print out the coloring pages below: Click on the image, select copy image, then paste the image onto a document (such as Word). You can make the image smaller or larger – then print.
Take the people and animals off the ark you made for chapter 7 and celebrate with a party. Remember to thank God – the reason for the party.