Friday, April 19, 2024

Exodus Chapter 1 

If you don’t have a Bible, click here for Exodus  Chapter 1

Verses 1-7:  Jacob had moved to Egypt with his sons.  They are fruitful and multiply.
(Fast forward almost 300 years since the death of Joseph.)

Verses 8-14:  Egypt has a new king (Pharoah) – doesn’t know Joseph.  Fear motivates the king to enslave the Israelites.

Verses 15-22:  Pharoah tells the mid-wives to kill all the male babies but to let the females live.  Pharoah (king) wants all male babies cast into the river.  Mid-wives refused to kill the male babies.  The mid-wives feared God (not Pharoah).  God honored the mid-wives – treated them well and provided households for them. 


-- The new administration (Pharoah) did not honor the agreements made by the former administration.  Does this still happen today?  How does it happen?  What can be done about it?

-- The king tried to control the population by getting rid of the male babies.  Does population control still happen today? How do you control the population?  Which countries control how many babies you can have?  Is abortion population control?

-- Pro-Life vs Pro-Abortion – which side are you on?  Which side do you think God is on? 

-- What does "fear God" mean to you?  What does obedience mean to you? 

Activity for kids: 

make mud bricks.  (from Pinterest: Mud Bricks )