Chapters 32 and 33
If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 32 and Chapter 33.
Chapter 32
Verses 1-5 Jacob sends a message to Esau.
Verses 6 Esau sends a message back.
Verses 7-8 Jacob is afraid of Esau and divides his family and flocks into 2 camps so that one will be spared if the other is attacked.
Verses 9-12 Jacob prays for safety.
Verses 13-21 Jacob prepares his gifts for Esau.
Verses 22-32 Jacob wrestles with God. God changes his name to Israel.
Chapter 33
Verses 1-3 Jacob divides up the women and children into 3 camps. The ones he loves the most are last.
Verses 4-7 Jacob and Esau meet. Esau meets the family.
Verses 8-11 Esau doesn’t want the gifts from Jacob but Jacob insists.
Verses 12-15 Esau wants them to all travel together but Jacob comes up with reasons why they can’t. Jacob agrees to meet up with Esau later.
Verses 16-17 Esau goes off in one direction and Jacob goes in another – Jacob is not going to meet up with Esau – he deceives him again.
Verses 18-20 Jacob buys a piece of land.
--Jacob is returning home and knows he will run into Esau. Jacob remembers the death threats and comes up with a plan to soften Esau’s heart. Do you think Esau still wanted to kill him?
--Jacob tries to buy Esau’s forgiveness. How do you ask for forgiveness? Is a gift necessary?
--Jacob prayed to God for safety and then he lies to protect himself. Do you take matters into your own hand? Do you trust God or yourself?
Child Discussion:
--Does your family have reunions?
--What’s it like seeing people you haven’t seen in a long time?