Chapters 18, 19 & 20
If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 18, Chapter 19, and Chapter 20.
Chapter 18:
Verses 1-8 Three men visit Abraham.
Verses 9-15 The men tell Abraham that Sarah will give birth to a son.
Verses 16-21 The men tell Abraham the plans for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Verses 22-33 Abraham asks the Lord to spare the city for the sake of the righteous people in it. He starts out at 50 and works down to 10. The Lord will not destroy the city if there are 10 righteous people in it.
Chapter 19:
Verses 1-3 Two men go to Sodom and Lot invites them to his house for the night.
Verses 4-11 The men of the city want the 2 visitors to come outside – they want to engage in sinful activities with them.
Verse 8 Lot offers his daughters to the men outside but they want the visitors.
Verses 12-17 The visitors tell Lot to take his family and leave the city – to flee to the mountains.
Verses 18-20 Lot doesn’t want to go to the mountains – asks to go to a nearby city instead.
Verses 21-25 The visitors will not destroy the city until Lot and his family reach their destination.
Verse 26 Lot’s wife did not obey and becomes a pillar of salt.
Verses 27-29 Abraham sees the smoke. Not even 10 righteous people in Sodom & Gomorrah.
Verses 30-38 Lot and his daughters left Zoar and went to the mountains. The daughters get the idea to have offspring by their father to preserve his lineage.
Chapter 20:
Verses 1-2 Abraham lies again.
Verses 3-7 God speaks to Abimelech and protects Sarah.
Verses 8-10 Abimelech confronts Abraham.
Verses 11-13 Abraham gives his excuse.
Verses 14-16 Abimelech blesses Abraham.
Verses 17-18 God heals Abimelech, his wife and female servants so that they could have children.
Who were the 3 men? Angels? Why?
Have you ever entertained “angels”? What caused you to think they were angels? What did they share with you?
Have you prayed for your city? Your county? Your state? Your country?
What would happen if your city was slated for destruction? Would there be at least 10 righteous people living there to stop it? Would you be one of them?
Have you ever stepped in to protect someone from harm? What did you have to sacrifice to do that? Have you ever stood up for someone’s rights against an angry crowd?
Lot did not instruct his wife and daughters in the way of the Lord. When the time came for him to lead them, they did not believe him and they did not obey. Are you a good example to your family? Do you spend time with them in the Word?
Abraham lies about his wife again – still has trouble trusting God even though God has rescued him before. Do you trust God? Do you think God won’t help you a 2nd time? Do you feel that you don’t deserve God’s help? Why? What would you have done if you were Abraham?
Children Discussion:
What would it be like to live in a city that was evil and did bad things all the time? Scary?
Lot’s wife did not want to leave and she looked back – what is a pillar of salt?
Child Activities:
Find a picture of a Pillar of Salt (google).
Use small cardboard boxes to make houses.
Cut out "people".
Assemble houses and people together – preferably outside in a fire pit.
Have an adult set it on fire.
Have the kids be far away but still able to see the smoke (Abraham’s view).
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