Sunday, September 6, 2020


Chapter 5  

If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 5

Chapter 5 deals with the genealogy from Adam to Noah. Notice how old each person is before and after the flood.

Adam – 930 years
Seth – 912 years
Enosh – 905 years
Cainan – 910 years
Mahalalel – 895 years
Jared – 962 years
Enoch – 365 years
Mehuselah – 969 years
Lamech – 777 years
Noah – 950 years (Genesis 9:29)
Shem – 600 years (Genesis 11:10-11)
Arphaxad – 438 years (Genesis 11:12-13)
Salah – 433 years (Genesis 11:14-15)
Eber – 464 years (Genesis 11:16-17)
Peleg – 239 years (Genesis 11:18-19)
Reu – 239 years (Genesis 11:20-21)
Serug – 230 years (Genesis 11:22-23)
Nahor – 148 years (Genesis 11:24-25)
Terah – 205 years (Genesis 11:32)
Abraham – 175 years (Genesis 25:7)
Isaac – 180 years (Genesis 35:28)
Jacob – 147 years (Genesis 47:28)
Joseph – 110 years (Genesis 50:26)

Methuselah’s life overlapped that of Adam by 243 years and that of Shem (Noah’s son) by 98 years – thus forming a connecting link between the Garden of Eden and the post flood world.

Joseph and Mary both descended from David through his sons:
Joseph from Soloman (Matthew 1:1-16)
Mary from Nathan (Luke 3:31)

Look at the names of each person:

Adam = man
Seth = is appointed
Enos (Enosh) = mortal
Cainan (Kenan) = sorrow
Mahalaleel = the blessed God
Jared = shall come down
Enoch = teaching
Methuselah – that his death shall bring
Lamech = the despairing
Noah = rest and comfort

Is it just a coincidence that the names spell out a promise from God?
What does your name mean?
God lists several family trees in the Bible. Why was that so important?
Have you created a family tree?
Have you had your DNA tested? Do you know where your ancestors originated?
Adam lived to be 930. Methuselah to 969 and Noah to 950. What do you think it was like to live that long?
People didn’t live as long after the floor – what happened?
We each have a legacy – good or bad. What is yours?

Activities for kids:
Work with the children to create their own family tree – grandparents, parents, themselves.

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