Chapter 2
Chapter 2
If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 2
Starting off with verses 1-3, God rested on the 7th day.
The Bible is full of “Sevens”:
Every 7th day is a Sabbath
Every 7th year is a Sabbatical year.
Every 7th Sabbatical year was followed by a Jubilee year
7 weeks between Passover and Pentecost
Passover feast lasted 7 days
Tabernacles feast lasted 7 days
Jericho fell after 7 priests with 7 trumpets, for 7 days marched around the wall. They marched 7 times on the 7th day.
Verses 4-5 tells us this is the history.
Here we find a man, a garden, animals, and a woman. God planted the garden and caused a mist to come up from the ground to water it. (Verse 6)
Verse 7 – God made man from dirt & breathed life into him. God made man before He rested on the 7th day (see Chapter 1:27-31). Here in chapter 2, it tells how He did it. God was personally involved when making man – got His hands “dirty” in forming us from the dust of the earth. We weren’t just something He spoke into existence. He lovingly crafted us – shaped us, molded us. He used His own breath to give us life (verse 7).
Adam is the only human created from dirt. All other humans come from other humans. God used only one man to create the rest of the humans.
Verse 8 – God puts man in the garden.
Verse 15 – Man is to take care of the garden.
Verse 17 – God gives man the one rule about the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil.
Verse 19 & 20 – God brings the animals to man so that he can name them.
Verse 21 & 22 – God made a woman from the man’s rib. Eve is not made from dirt. God used a part of Adam to make Eve.
Verse 24 – The first marriage.
Discussion Questions:
God created man and the animals from dirt (verse 19). Why do you think God used dirt?
How do you feel about rules? Do you make them or break them?
Craft supplies:
Dirt, sand, red clay dirt
Bowl for mixing
Styrofoam cups – small planter pots
Seeds – all different
Cut out of a girl
Take the bowl and mix all the types of dirt together. Have the children pick up a handful of dirt. Ask them: Can they make a man from dirt?
Fill the Styrofoam cups (or small planters) with dirt and plant seeds in it. Have each child plant a different type of seed. This will be the “garden”.
Use the poster made for Chapter 1 and have the children give each animal a name. Not the species name (such as horse, chicken, etc.) – that would be too easy. Have them give each animal their own made up name. What would they call a horse? They can see what it was like to have to come up with names for everything.
Take the cutout of the woman and put her on the poster with Adam. (See stick figure). Or have the children draw their own version.
Drawing page: Have the children draw different flowers coming up from the planters.
Ask the children what rules they need to obey.
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