Monday, July 20, 2020

Chapter 4

If you don’t have a Bible handy, click this link for Genesis Chapter 4

• Adam & Eve have a baby (verses 1-2)
• Cain – 1st child mentioned (verse 1)
• Abel – 2nd child mentioned (verse 2)
• Seth – 3rd child mentioned (verse 25)

The first murder (verses 8-10)

God punishes Cain – he can no longer be a farmer (verses 11-12)
Cain leaves the family and goes far away. He also leaves God. He finds a wife, gets married and has children. But he no longer has God. (verses 16-18)

Story of Lamech – great great great grandson of Cain (verses 19-24)
  • Cain
    • Enoch (son)
      • Irad (grandson)
        • Mehujael (great grandson)
          • Methushael (great great grandson)
            • Lamech (great great great grandson)
Lamech marries 2 women (verse 19)
Both wives have children (verses 20-22)
Another murder (verses 23-24)

Can you imagine being a parent and having to deal with one child killing the other child?
Do you think Cain is happy? Why or why not?
Where did he get his attitude?
Was Cain really trying to please God?
Did Cain know what God required? Or did he just do his own thing?
What did Adam and Eve teach their kids about God? Is it the parent’s fault when the child does evil or bad things?
What do you think of his punishment?
Where did Cain get his wife? Did Adam and Eve have other children not mentioned?
What’s the story with Lamech? Why does he think he should get special treatment? What do you think Cain told him?

Crafts for the Children

poster board
cut outs of people (adults and children) see stick figures
construction paper

Put the new poster board in a place across the room from the other poster. Indicates a place far away. Glue cutouts of Cain, his wife and children. Or have the children draw their own version.

Make a grave marker with the construction paper (could be a cross with Abel’s name). Put it somewhere on the poster that has Adam and Eve – indicates that Abel has died.

Glue a cutout of a child (Seth) next to Adam and Eve. Seth will be the start of something wonderful! Have the children try and guess what that will be. (Hint: Jesus will come from Seth’s descendants)

Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture verses are from the New King James Version of the Bible.